Unlocking the Complexity of U.S. Sugar Trade

The Challenge

The U.S. government tracks the nation’s sugar trade, yet the intricacies of sugar movement within processed products like candy, soda, and chocolate present a unique challenge. This data is of paramount importance to both U.S. sugar producers and food manufacturers. It affects their policy positions, how they engage with government agencies, and the price of their products. As a result, several private sector clients asked Agralytica to assess sugar-containing product (SCP) trade more comprehensively on an ongoing basis.

The Approach

To meet the private sector’s need for precise information on SCP trade, Agralytica developed a proprietary measurement system. This system was designed to identify product categories with substantial sugar content and quantify the exact percentage of sugar in each category through rigorous research.

For over 20 years now, following the release of quarterly trade data, our team has examined sugar trade flows within these products and provided our clients with an in-depth report. It reveals the volume of sugar entering and exiting the country within processed goods. Our analysis also extends to individual trade flows with major partners like Canada and Mexico, as well as the rest of the world.

The Outcomes

Our efforts have yielded two main outcomes:

  1. Enhanced Precision: Agralytica’s SCP report provides the most accurate data on the intricate sugar trade within processed products, empowering our clients with the insights they need.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: The data and reports we provide play a pivotal role in shaping our clients’ positions on government policy, tariffs, quotas, and other critical issues.

Agralytica’s proprietary measurement system has provided valuable data about the nation’s sugar trade in processed products like candy, soda and chocolate for over 20 years.

Looking at the Future

As we continue to refine our measurement system and deliver timely data, we remain committed to providing our clients with a deep understanding of the true scope of sugar trade. This knowledge will continue to influence and guide their engagement with sugar trade policy and market dynamics.